We have available a range of DVD's and audio CD's. These are FREE on request and are designed to give you an insight into the unique rural village of Geshaview in Bulgaria.
FREE DVD's for you to watch:
The 'Geshaview' DVD gives an overview, understanding and feeling of the Geshaview village concept.
The 'Hot-tub' DVD
Introduces the range of 'Softub' personal spa baths which we think will be a great addition to any property, giving 'added value' especially if you intend to use your property for holiday lets.
FREE audio CD's for you to listen to:
The range of audio CD's cover diverse topics from the overall concept behind Geshaview, the investment potential through to Climate Change strategy.
Visit the Geshaview website at: www.geshaview.eu for more details on the village and to order your FREE copies from the range of DVD's and CD's.