Friday, 18 December 2009

Bumper issue of the Geshaview newsletter

The latest edition of the Geshaview newsletter has just been released.
This is a 'bumper' 8 page issue that combines the December 2009 and the January 2010 editions.
Articles in this issue include: 
• A look back at 2009: Underground, underfoot and under control.

• Looking forward to 2010: Careful navigation and planning.

• What makes a traditional Bulgarian Christmas (the Bulgarian language edition has an article on a traditional English Christmas!)

The newsletter is available as a PDF or can be viewed online as an E-book. These can be found on our website, along with all the other back issues, at:

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Autumn colours of Geshaview

The carefully preserved trees around the Geshaview village in Bulgaria are producing a wonderful display of autumn golden browns and ochres.
The pictures, taken by Yana Dimitrova, show that as the village matures and the trees grow you really will be 'living embraced by nature'.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The Courtyard reveals its looks!

Although still under construction, the scaffolding around the Geshaview Courtyard is gradually being removed and it is revealing just how stunning it will look. 
The stonemasons have done an amazing job of combining a traditional Bulgarian style building with modern construction techniques. 
Although the picture shows only a small section of the Courtyard you can begin to get a feel of how impressive it will be when finished.

November Newsletter

Firstly, I must apologise for not posting the September and October issues of the Geshaview newsletters.
These can be found on our website, along with all the other back issues, at:
In the November issue you will find articles on how the lighting of the village at night might look and pictures of the first houses to be fully furnished. 
The newsletters are available to view as PDFs or as 'e-books'. Please click on the link above to view the newsletter.

Landscaping at Geshaview

After 3 years of careful and deliberate protection of all of the ground, trees and fauna on the village site we have finally started to create the ‘outdoor decoration’ of the village. 
 The levelling of the top soil and the sowing of grass seeds (1,000kg and 7 different varieties) is giving the village a green carpet that blends the houses to their surroundings. 
Geshaview is beginning to to look less like a building site and more like the tranquil, eco-friendly village envisaged from the start.

Monday, 5 October 2009

The first houses in the village are furnished.

Deluxe style furniture at Geshaview.

Geshaview is proud to present to its guests and owners the first two completely furnished townhouses.
Mirra Hollands and Desislava Georgieva have created a remarkable and unique design to put the final touches to the whole Geshaview concept.

Ready and waiting.. at your convenience!

David Hollands and Julian Georgiev enjoying the 

final checking of the biological 'live bacteria' installation.

After many months we have been able connect the new sewerage system.
Located away from the village near to the forest area the new and innovative non-chemical underground sewerage plant has broken new ground in Bulgaria for the use of a truly organic system.
The compact, biological ‘live bacteria’ system has a capacity to process the sewerage from over 500 people.
Connected to the village system at the lowest topological point this gravity controlled biological, non-chemical system will process the waste, then, before it is dispersed, all the water can then be passed through an ultraviolet filtration system and then back into the natural river water system.
Maybe it is a bit unusual to be proud of the sewer from your house… but in this instance I believe we have good reason to be.

Monday, 3 August 2009

The August issue of the Geshaview newsletter is now available

The August newsletter for the Geshaview village in Bulgaria is now available on-line.
Articles in this issue include how the priority during the design and build of the village has been to preserve the natural surroundings.
We also talk about the 'green' facts of the building process that includes a state-of-the-art organic sewerage treatment system, as well as our climate change strategy.
To read more visit the newsletter page on the Geshaview web site and click on the links to see the newsletter as an 'e-book' or to download the PDF version.  You can also catch up with the July issue.   

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Hot tub ... a great success

Softub arrival at Geshaview was a great success. Interest from many of the day's visitors proved that this amazing new product will be a roaring success in the future. Ready and waiting 24/7 the Softub is great for any season of the year.

120 visitors to the courtyard building

Over 100 visitors descended on the main courtyard building for the celebration. Views from the terrace restaurant stretched 40 kms. The sun shone and the melting snow gave for a memorable time underfoot.

3 year celebration

Jan 16th 2009 saw the geshaview rural village celebrating its 3rd birthday. Welcoming clients , businesses and the media from around Bulgaria. The whole day shone and the completion of the courtyard building together with the launch of the phase 7 properties was enjoyed by all.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Winter Wonderland at Geshaview

The Geshaview village in Bulgaria is looking marvelous with its covering of snow (above).
The weather might bring a temporary halt to some of the work, but the construction of the courtyard continues apace with the windows being installed (below).