Inside there are articles on David Hollands and his family's move to Geshaview in order to take the village from a building project to the living and breathing entitity envisaged all those years ago, as well as Stephen & Valery Coburn moving to the village to take up their new roles: Valery as the Spiritual Director and Stephen as the International Events Co-ordinator and Wellbeing Director.
As you can see, good reasons for the lateness of this issue!
We also give a brief report on the Dryanovo & Geshaview Orienteering competition which took place at the end of October. A full report with more pictures will be in the next issue.
You can download a PDF or you can view it online as an E-book. These can also be found on our website, along with all the other back issues at: www.geshaview.eu/geshaview_newsletter_issues.html