Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Better late than never...

We know, publishing the September/October issue of the Geshaview newsletter in the middle of November is a bit late, but, when you read it you will realise that there are some very good reasons why.
Inside there are articles on David Hollands and his family's move to Geshaview in order to take the village from a building project to the living and breathing entitity envisaged all those years ago, as well as Stephen & Valery Coburn moving to the village to take up their new roles: Valery as the Spiritual Director and Stephen as the International Events Co-ordinator and Wellbeing Director.
As you can see, good reasons for the lateness of this issue!
We also give a brief report on the Dryanovo & Geshaview Orienteering competition which took place at the end of October. A full report with more pictures will be in the next issue.
You can download a PDF or you can view it online as an E-book. These can also be found on our website, along with all the other back issues at: www.geshaview.eu/geshaview_newsletter_issues.html